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Our History

The New York State Council Columbiettes has grown from the nine auxiliaries of the New York Chapter, who signed the Charter in 1939 instituting the Columbiettes, to just under 100 auxiliaries today in nine Chapters. The New York State Council Columbiettes was formed in 1954 with the Honorable Margaret M Mangan as honorary State President. New York State Columbiettes along with New Jersey State Columbiettes formed the Supreme Council Columbiettes in 1959.
Through out the years the New York Council Columbiettes have given of their time and talents to many works of charity. Since 1963, we have through our TRANSCRIPTION PROGRAM FOR THE BLIND, INC established grants for the visually impaired and sent the FUNNY ALPHABET BOOK to children all over the world. In 1988 we started our SEMINARIAN PROGRAM under which we have given grants to seminarians throughout the state. With our annual CHARITY RAFFLE we are able to donate money to many charities that our chapters have chosen. Our NICKELS FOR NUNS program provides financial assistance to our retired sisters. Our newest program is BEGINNING THE JOURNEY which provides financial assistance to those beginning their journey to becoming religous sisters

The New York State Council Columbiettes participate and support their brother NYS Knights at the Pro Life Mass, the Knights Pilgrimages, the Pray Rally and at their local council and conference events.

The New York State Council Columbiettes continues to grow side by side with the men of the Knights of Columbus. If you would like to join us you need to be only 17 and a Catholic. You do not need to be married to a Knight to become a Columbiette. 

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